Well, here I go...
I thought that I would try this blog thing since all of my family and a lot of my friends live away. I'm hoping this will help to keep everyone in touch with the daily lives of Jack & Andrew. So let me start with today. Today, we ventured out to the pet store in search of a pet (now I knew the whole time it would be a fish, but kids can dream, right?) ;) Anyway, we go in the store and check out the puppies, the kittens, the mice and finally over to the fish. I have to convince Jack that fish in their room on their bedside table would be awesome and the light on top would be really cool when they go to bed. So, he gets all excited and Drew runs over to pick "his fish" and the PetSmart lady or should I call her squasher of dreams, tells me, "you know you need to set up the tank and let it sit for 48 hours before fish can go in it." WHAT?! Are you kidding me? To that I simply respond, "ah, are you sure?" Anyway, to make a long story short, Jack, Drew and I ended up leaving the store very upset and Mommy decided the only way to make up for it was a trip to Moe's...Welcome to Moe's. Anyway, another nomination for Mother of the Year ruined!