Friday, October 17, 2008

It's almost here...

We went to the party store last night and I let the boys pick out some decorations for the house. Here's what we've got so far...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Flights to Long Island!

Look at those tired little boys. This is the flight home last night from a great weekend in Long Island and NYC! I'll post more about the trip and more pictures tonight, but for now...Mommy needs to get to work! ;)
The picture above is the boys getting on the plane in Atlanta headed for JFK friday night. So excited!
This is when we are about to land at JFK...Drew is ready to be off the plane!
More pictures to follow! Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mommy's Back From Mexico...With Presents!

The 1st Annual Girls Weekend was a huge success! We all had a great time, but all missed our babies! I brought Andrew back some moraccas and Jack a hat that was made especially for him by a guy that looked just like Capt. Jack Sparrow, which made Jack super excited since he had just watched Pirates of The Caribbean with his Dad (we won't talk about it!). We are off again this weekend to visit the O'Connell Family in Long Island for the long weekend and are super excited. Expect more pictures when we get back. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Be Good...I Miss You Both Already!

Jack and Andrew-
Be good. Have fun. Listen to Daddy. Eat all your dinner. Be nice to one another. Brush your teeth. Play with your friends. Draw me some pictures. Be good at school. Mommy will be home soon! I love you both very much!

Are We Scary?!?!

The costume picking process is a big deal for Jack, Drew & I...a lot of research needs to be done before a decision can be