Wednesday, January 26, 2011

100 Days of School Project Due Tomorrow

In Georgia they celebrate the 100th day of school. This is something I first learned of when Jack was in Pre-K. I thought it was a great idea for Pre-K since they were learning to count to 100 but I'm not sure it needs to be carried out to the older grades. Regardless, they each had to do a project that had something with 100 in it. On Sunday I took them to Michaels and had them pick out their supplies. I know you will all be shocked that Drew wanted to do an Army battle. All I did was put the hot glue on the bottom and handed him the men, he did the rest and I must say he did a great job! Jack wanted to do something a little more difficult, he wanted to do a pyramid of sorts. It ended up looking more like a molecule but he did a great job. He painted all the balls and then connected them with toothpicks with very little help from me. He really is a talented little boy. He was very impressed with himself. They both were. Enjoy the pictures! :) Jack getting his board ready

Drew with one of the "bad guys"

"Jack's Crazy Pyramid of 100 Stars"

Andrew's 100 Man Battle

Drew acting crazy

A closer view of Jack's project

Trip to the ED...Mumps? - January 22

Drew woke up Saturday morning covered in a rash and his little man parts were 2-3x the size they are suppose to be and he was complaining that they hurt. Yeah, I'm sure they did...poor little guy. So, I took him to the Emergency Department since it was Saturday. They thought that it might be mumps. Which you know this vaccine crazed Mom was not happy to hear since he had his MMR and I am a big loud mouth about vaccinating your children. Anyway, after an ultrasound, tests and lots of was strep. He showed no symptoms of strep. He hadn't been sick (other than that one random fever thursday afternoon) and his throat was clear so I didn't see that coming. The good news is I was told it was just his bodies reaction to it, so it didn't mean he had had it for a while and he also wasn't contagious so I knew Jack and I weren't going to get it...yay! So, they gave him a shot of antibiotics in the bum and sent us on our way. He is back to his normal crazy self. A patient little man waiting to be seen

No mumps here...I'll take a popsicle, please. :)

My Personal Assistant - January 21

Look at that handsome little man. He wanted to wear a tie but I told him Friday is casual day. :) Drew came to work with me because he had a fever on Thursday afternoon and he needs to stay out of school for 24 hours when a fever is involved. He was so good and helpful. He even took my co-worker Summer and I to lunch at Subway. Thanks for coming to work Drew. You did great!

Drew's desk...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snow Day? Nope...Snow Vacation!

The boys finally headed back to school today after their week long snow/ice vacation. School was closed all last week because of snow days and rumor has it that because the Governor declared it a "State of Emergency" Coweta County may not require them to make it up. We will see! So this will be the 4th day they have been in school since before Christmas...gotta love it. The funniest part about it, Drew complained the whole morning, "Momma, do I HAVE to go to school?" To that all I could simply reply was, "Are you serious right now?" :)Jack and Drew heading out the door to the car...last day they had their backpacks on was January 7, 2011

Mommy went back to work too.
(Okay, she had to go back on Friday, but she got to wear jeans so did that really count?)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tooth #2...OUT...Finally :)

After much poking, pulling, pushing and threats of going back to the dentist Jack finally twisted that tooth and pulled it out on his own. As you can probably see, he tends to take a while to get them out (note the adult tooth behind it). He is super excited and can't wait for the tooth fairy to come tonight. We'll let you know what is left behind...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011

Snow day, Snow day, Snow day!!
Or should I say, Ice Day, Ice day, Ice Day!
We got covered with ice on the south side of Atlanta. We didn't get enough snow to play in but that didn't stop us from going out and having a great time. It was super cold outside and we fell a lot, but it was a lot of fun. We took Payton and met Jack's friend Regan at the park across the street for some ice sledding and after doing that for a little while I realized that the road next to our house would probably be perfect and it was. We ran into The Potts Family once we got back on the street and Caleb is in some video with Drew. Hope you like it! :)

Mommy & Drew

Jack & Regan

Drew with the sled Regan's Mom & Dad made...SWEET! Gotta love southern sleds!

Drew & Caleb

Jack & Payton

Drew & Caleb

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The best ice cream dates ever!!!

Sunday was a very long day! We cleaned the house, well, I cleaned the house but they helped...kinda. ;) I told them if they were good listeners I would take them for ice cream at Coldstone so we did just that. We had a great time! Those boys make me giggle and now they are super excited because school is cancelled for tomorrow because of Snowpocalypse 2011. If I am off too I will post some pictures of fun in the snow!
Here is a video of us at Coldstone...

Getting ready to leave for our ice cream date

Mom and Drew acting crazy

Yeah, he's nuts...

Nevermind, he wins...

I wonder where they get it? :)

Jack loves to take pictures...wonder where he gets it? :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Jack's FAVORITE Gift from Santa

Jack finally got out on his skateboard for the first time yesterday and he was so excited! That was the one thing he asked Santa for and couldn't wait to ride it! He is slowly learning how it works and how to stay on. I promised him there would be no video for a while until he said it was okay. Sorry, folks...But I'll keep you posted! :)