Monday, December 20, 2010

Cookie Crumble - December 10

They have an event in downtown Newnan that's called the "Cookie Crumble". What they do is for a $5 donation you get a map and a bag and go on a search for 25 cookies that are all around the town square in different shops. We invited Angie to come with us because, well, it was a cookie search. :) We all had a great time and we found all the cookies. It was hard to keep "the kids" and I think you know I mean all 3 of them from eating all the cookies along the way. I posted a picture of their "stash" below.

The boys with their cookie bags full of cookies

Stopping for a snack halfway through the hunt :)

The boys with Angie...who do you think ate the most cookies? ;)

We found Santa at the Coffee Shop at the end of the night. We had a great time!

The boys posing for a picture in the square.

Mommy and her boys near the Christmas tree on the square.

The boys showing off their stash when we got home!

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