Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tooth #3 -Feb 9

Jack lost his first top tooth and I think it makes him look so different. He is getting so big! I need to share the toothfairy story with you all so that just in case you didn't already know what a great kid he is this might make you go, "Wow".
So, as you read in the previous post Andrew and I had the flu and of course that's when the tooth fell out. Everyone went to bed and the toothfairy fell asleep before she did her job. She jumped up in the morning to rush in only to find Jack sitting up on the top bunk holding the envelope with the tooth in it. Here is out conversation:
"Good morning, Buddy. Oh no, the toothfairy didn't come?" -Mom
"No, she didn't come." -Jack
"Are you upset?" -Mom
"No, I'm not upset. She wasn't gonna come here, Mom. You and Andrew have the flu. She has a really busy job and she can't get the flu. She'll come when you guys are better." -Jack
He then proceeded to hop out of his bunk and go take a shower.
Uhhhhhhh, what?!?! I sat there in complete amazement! He is such a great kid!
Jack ran in the following morning and woke me up to say that he got a dollar, 2 packs of sugar free gum and a note from the toothfairy, but he couldn't read it because it was written in cursive. I read it to him and it said that she was sorry that she didn't make it the night before but she didn't want to catch the flu.
Jack looked at me, smiled and said, "I told you, Mom!"

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