Sunday night was Jack & Mommy night and I surprised him with The American Idol Live Concert as his end of the summer adventure. For those of you that don't know, Jack and I watched American Idol every Tuesday night in the spring (I had to DVR the results show that was on Wednesday nights because 9pm is too late for this 6 year old on a school night).
We all had our favorites...I loved Lee (who won, by the way), Jack loved Casey and Drew liked Big Mike, although he didn't get into the show as much as Jack did (Thank you to Angie for babysitting Drew). We had a GREAT time and we had GREAT seats. I found them on Craigslist last minute for half the price and would recommend looking there!

Jack and Mommy "Rocking Out" and acting crazy!

Jack watching the Top 10 during the last song!

The Top 10 Finalists...

Jack's very first concert t-shirt that cost Mommy a small fortune! lol

Jack with his favorite performer and top 3 finisher...Casey James!
Thanks for a wonderful summer and a great date night, Jack! Mommy thinks you're a pretty amazing kid!
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