Why, why, why do I do these things to myself. Oh, that's right because I AM NOT READY FOR A DOG!! As I am typing this I can hear them behind me in the toyroom running on their wheel (and the boys wonder why they couldn't stay in their rooms). Well, anyway, you guessed it...we got hamsters. two of them to be exact. Jack named his Little and Drew names his Hidey. They are dwarf hamsters so they are small so that would explain Jack's name and Drew's name is because he loves to hide in his house. They are so funny. They were super excites and are very cute with them. We got the ball for them to run around in and the boys get a kick out of that. The little guys get those things moving pretty good around these wood floors actually. So, welcome to the family, Little and Hidey! The Three of us are quite a bunch. ;)
The boys with Little & Hidey's new home
Hidey is on the wheel and Little is under it

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