Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

The boys and I had a great Christmas morning. Jack and I decided that we needed to wake up Drew around 8:30 because he was still sleeping. They went with their Father at noon so I wanted to spend as much time with them as I could so 8:30 was my limit and poor Jack was roaring to go. Here is a video of us waking him up. Once we got downstairs, the first thing Jack noticed was that Santa left him a Braves hat (as you all probably know, that is a HUGE step for Santa). After that we opened gifts, played with toys and waited for Bumpa and Christy to come over. The boys and I had a wonderful Christmas morning! We hope you all did too. Did I mention that it snowed in Georgia on Christmas? :)
Here are a few more videos from the morning...
A Gift From Cousins Eva & Reagan
A House Divided!!
When the house was quiet right after Santa came...

Drew and his new favorite pal, Woody

Jack & Drew loving the new blankets Grandma made them

Mommy and her boys Christmas morning...xoxo

Christmas Eve

The boys and I made cookies during the day on Christmas Eve this year because we got invited to the Redmon's Christmas Eve Party. Jack and Drew were super excited to go over and play with Matthew & Jeffrey. We had a great time. Thank you, Dawson, Lisa, Jeffrey and Matthew for having us. Merry Christmas! When we got home we got into out pj's and put out cookies for Santa and food for the reindeer. Below is a video of the boys sprinkling food in the yard for Rudolph. Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!
Jack & Drew putting out the cookies and milk for Santa
Jack's letter to Santa

My cute little guys all ready for Santa

The Welch Boys 2nd Annual Christmas Ornament Party - Dec 17

Last year the boys decided they wanted to have a Christmas Ornament party with all of our neighbors and it was a success so we decided to do it again this year. I let them pick the ornaments they want to do. This year, Jack picked glitter...oops! I am still finding it in the grooves of the hardwoods but no amount of glitter on the floor can match the good time they all had. Pizza, cupcakes, ornaments and the laughter of little kids what more could we ask for at Christmas time! Thank you to all my neighbors for such a great night! We are about 5 kids short but here is most of our street

Check out those fantastic ornaments

LOVE this picture! Bumpa and Jack making an ornament

Drew hard at work

My job was tying the ribbon on the ornaments

Monday, December 20, 2010

Drew's Pre-K Christmas Concert - Dec 16

Look at that little cutie!! Don't you just want to squeeze his face? This is Drew walking into his Christmas Concert at school. Below is a link to 3 of the songs they sang. You can see he was all about it with jingle Bells but he got over it pretty quickly. That's my Drew! :)

Jingle Bells

Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Jack supporting his little brother

Mommy and her little Santa Claus

Christy, Drew & Bumpa

Cookie Crumble - December 10

They have an event in downtown Newnan that's called the "Cookie Crumble". What they do is for a $5 donation you get a map and a bag and go on a search for 25 cookies that are all around the town square in different shops. We invited Angie to come with us because, well, it was a cookie search. :) We all had a great time and we found all the cookies. It was hard to keep "the kids" and I think you know I mean all 3 of them from eating all the cookies along the way. I posted a picture of their "stash" below.

The boys with their cookie bags full of cookies

Stopping for a snack halfway through the hunt :)

The boys with Angie...who do you think ate the most cookies? ;)

We found Santa at the Coffee Shop at the end of the night. We had a great time!

The boys posing for a picture in the square.

Mommy and her boys near the Christmas tree on the square.

The boys showing off their stash when we got home!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Rocking around the Christmas Tree

Watch here...
We decorated our Christmas tree tonight and had a lot of fun doing it. A few ornaments fell and broke but thats bound to happen. No worries. So, the funny thing is, is that the back of the tree has no ornaments because the tree is so big we didn't have enough. So if you come see our tree...don't walk behind it! :) Drew and Jack with their 2010 Christmas ornaments
Mommy and her boys after the tree was all decorated!

Drew putting his homemade reindeer on the tree

Jack putting his homemade star on the tree

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree!

It's that time again...Christmas tree time!! Yay! This year we decided to cut our tree down so we headed to a Christmas tree farm in Senoia, GA with the Naquin Family and we found our tree. Let me just say that it is HUGE! They don't look quite as big outside but when I got it in the house...YIKES! I will post pictures of those once we decorate the tree when the boys get back from their Dad's house. Happy Holidays!! Lucas, Andres, Drew & Jack

Jack & Drew found the tree...It's HUGE!

The boys watching Kevin cutting it down...Thanks, Kevin! :)

Jack, Drew & Andres carrying it off...or at least trying. That thing is HUGE!!! lol