Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

The boys and I had a great Christmas morning. Jack and I decided that we needed to wake up Drew around 8:30 because he was still sleeping. They went with their Father at noon so I wanted to spend as much time with them as I could so 8:30 was my limit and poor Jack was roaring to go. Here is a video of us waking him up. Once we got downstairs, the first thing Jack noticed was that Santa left him a Braves hat (as you all probably know, that is a HUGE step for Santa). After that we opened gifts, played with toys and waited for Bumpa and Christy to come over. The boys and I had a wonderful Christmas morning! We hope you all did too. Did I mention that it snowed in Georgia on Christmas? :)
Here are a few more videos from the morning...
A Gift From Cousins Eva & Reagan
A House Divided!!
When the house was quiet right after Santa came...

Drew and his new favorite pal, Woody

Jack & Drew loving the new blankets Grandma made them

Mommy and her boys Christmas morning...xoxo

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My favorite part is Jack exclaiming "how cute!" when he sees the ornament Andrew made. Thanks for sharing!