To say the last four years of my life have been the most difficult would be an understatement. I have fallen more times than I care to count but have also gotten back up each time. I am a better person for it and I think that I learned what truly matters in life. I have been blessed with two amazing little boys that love me unconditionally, a loving and supporting family and a group of friends that have truly made all the difference. That being said it was time to make a change, take a step back and figure out what truly mattered. I decided to leave CDC to take a job closer to home, to be closer to my boys. Dropping them off at 7:00am and picking them up at 6:30pm was not what I wanted for them and in the end no amount of money was worth it. To say I incurred a cut in pay would not begin to describe it. I have accepted a position 4 miles from home. I am excited about it, but mostly, I am excited about being able to spend more quality time with my boys. I have to go to work each day, I can’t control that, what I can control is what I do and where I am. Thank you Jack and Andrew for always being such good sports when you were the first boys on the school bus and the last boys at afterschool, for teaching me patience, for teaching me to believe while at the same time realizing that some things are just out of our control but mostly for always, always, always continuing to be the amazing little boys you are. I feel blessed and honored to be your Mom.
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