I took the boys to Huntsville, Alabama on Friday so they could see their Dad graduate from Bomb School. Neil is on the Atlanta Police SWAT team and just finished a 6 week bomb certification course. Huntsville is the only bomb school in the country which worked out well because the boys really wanted to go and I was able to take them since it was only 3.5 hours away. As you all know, the boys think he has the coolest job and is the coolest guy ever so they were super excited to see him and to see all the cool stuff they had at the school. He had been gone for 6 weeks so they were super excited to get there. He gave them both a bomb tech pin and coin. Drew is still wearing that pin. Congratulations, Neil! Please be safe, you have 2 little boys that think you hung the moon.

During the ceremony. (Neil is the one wearing the glasses on his head)
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