Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Jack & Mommy's Date

1 month to go...until the best holiday on the planet arrives!!! YAY! Jack has decided to have a Halloween birthday party this year (and before you ask, no I didn't force it, but I am super excited!!) So, Jack and I went out last night for a little Jack & Mommy time and headed to Target. While we were there Jack checked out all the costumes and decided to try on 2 so he could get a better idea of what he was looking for. These are the ones that stood out to him. We haven't gotten one yet, but these are at the top of the list. Stay tuned for the final pick...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Toy's Wedding

Another non-boys related post...Toy's wedding. Jack, however did score 6 goals at his soccer game yesterday. Uncle Scottie said he played awesome!

So, Toy's wedding went well and she is now Mrs. Rooks...Congratulations Tree & Toy. We love you!

What Is This World Coming To?

So, this post has nothing about the boys, but I thought I would add it so we could remember what was going on in Georgia this past week. IT HAS BEEN MADNESS! If you don't live here and you're not a fan of the news, you might not know about the "gas crisis". We have no gas...anywhere! There are police escorts with tanker trucks and fights at the pump. My brother came to town this weekend and we went on the hunt for gas Friday night. We finally found some and were the last car to get gas at that station. So some guy stuck his finger in Scott's face and said, "Hey buddy, you got the last of the gas...you're really lucky." Scott was like, "uh okay...I'm gonna top it off too." Careful Scott, these southern folk will kill you! Anyway, the stations are out again and I have to make my 48 mile trek to the office in the morning...perhaps I'll have to stay home. ;)

Have a great week!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bad Mommy...Very Bad Mommy.

I know, I know...it's been a couple weeks and no soccer pictures. It's been crazy here with work and Toy's wedding, etc. I promise to get some up soon, but in the meantime, here is a picture from my BlackBerry(shocking). Enjoy!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Who's the Babysitter?

We had a very long day today. Toy and I worked on wedding stuff most of the day (her big day is in 1 week) in between me meeting my Dad to finalize my plans for new floors for the house (hardwoods...yay) and Jack's soccer game. He did great! He actually scored 8 times. I know a little ridiculous, but I was so proud because he was so excited! So because Tennessee was playing Florida, Toy couldn't go to the soccer game. So as punishment for missing a U5 soccer game to SEC football, I told her she had to babysit Andrew while I went to the game. So the question is...who was babysitting who? Apparently they were exhausted from the Gator butt kicking as well. ;)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sorry About the Popularity, Boys...

So I know that Jack and Andrew are pretty popular names, but I didn't know there were 482,177 Jacks and 822,447 Andrews in this world.

Check out this website...http://www.howmanyofme.com/
It tells you how many people have the same name as you. There are 212 Jack Welchs and 362 Andrew Welchs.

Mine, however, are the cutest. ;)

p.s. I promise to upload soccer pictures tonight!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This Kid Screams Football or Hockey...

Take a look at this kid...I don't think he'll be playing soccer. He's a little too mean and tough...I guess we'll see. ;)

Pre-K Parent Breakfast

Jack had his parent breakfast at school today. He got to show me all around his classroom and what his favorite areas were. He said his favorite station is the block station, so I took a picture. They're not the greatest because SuperMom forgot her camera and had to fall back on the Blackberry. Oops! Anyway, it was great to sit and have breakfast together and to really focus on him. He is such an amazing little boy with a great personality! Jack, you make me smile everyday! I love you!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

September 14 and at the Pool...only in Georgia!

We headed to the pool today and had a great time. Jack and Drew really like the "lazy river". We spent most of our time in there. Apparently I didn't put enough sunscreen on Jack because he has a little burn on his shoulders. Way to go, Mom! ;)
Jack had a soccer game yesterday and did a great job. He scored for the first time. I took a lot of pictures and will go throught them in the next few days and post some. Hope all is well with everyone! Have a great week!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jack & Drew Hit Barnes and Noble

Is it a bad sign when your kids run for the music section instead of the books? We were there tonight for about an hour listening to every single CD...We had a great time singing and dancing in the aisles, hope the other customers didn't mind!

Scoop and Flipper Move In

The fish have arrived and the boys are super excited. Neil picked them up from school yesterday and took them to PetSmart where they each picked out their own fish. Jack picked the orange one and named him Scoop (probably after his hermit crab, Scoops that died...lol) and Drew picked the orange and white one and named him Flipper. They were excited to get home tonight to make the move from the kitchen counter to their bedroom. They keep wanting a dog, but hopefully this will keep them occupied for the time being AND lets hope they don't end up with the same fate as Scoops. ;)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Oh, So Sweet and Peaceful! ;)

Well as you can see NOT sending Penguin Mike in the box was a good idea! Yay Mommy! ;) Here is a glimpse of the sleepy boys...so cute and peaceful when they aren't wrestling each other to the ground!

Boys Weekend!

I went away for the weekend, but from what I have been told the boys had a great time with Neil and Bumpa (my Dad). Neil picked them up from school on Friday and took them to buy a fishtank. It is now sitting on my kitchen counter, no fish (I guess Neil told them he would take them on Tuesday after school). They are very excited about picking out their own fish, so that should be fun for them. Saturday they went fishing at the lake and then to Jack's first soccer game. Neil then took them to my Dads for their first sleepover together. Dad and Christy have never had both of them overnight at the same time and from what I could tell when I picked them up at 10:30pm last night, they may not take them again for a while...they looked exhausted! I had a great time in Connecticut and I appreciate the help while I was gone. I'll post some pictures when the boys get their fish! Have a great Monday!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pengiun Mike & The Care Package

This entry is all about my Cousin Michael. For those of you that know me, you know that my family is the most important part of who I am and the Karr Family is a big part of that. A little background for those who don't know. My Aunt Susan is my Moms youngest sister and we are very close. She is more like my best friend than my Aunt and I miss her everyday! I miss them all. Uncle Pat, Aunt Susan, Michael, Danny & Ashley have played a big role in my kids lives. They were here when Drew was born and they take very good care of them when we go home for a visit. So because Susan is about 10 years younger than my Mom, her kids are obviously much younger than me. Her oldest, Michael, just left for college this past weekend. He's already called me twice about Res Life issues and I hope I helped! :) He came to visit us this past spring for a week and the boys had a ball with him (picture #1). So when I told the boys we should send Michael a care package (picture #3) at school because he was away from home, they got very excited. In fact, they picked out everything in that box. Fruit snacks for all! Jack also asked if we should send him Penguin Mike (picture #2) so he wouldnt be lonely. I thought that was so cute and sweet because Michael actually gave Jack, Penguin Mike a few years ago, hence why Jack named him that. I told him that he was okay and Penguin Mike should probably just stay here. He looked relieved...
So...Good luck, Michael! We hope you enjoy every second of college. It is truly one of the best times of your life! Be safe and be smart! We love you! XOXO

Monday, September 1, 2008

Zoo Atlanta

Jack and Andrew at Zoo Atlanta on Sunday, August 31, 2008

The boys and I had a great day at the zoo yesterday. We saw the lions, the tigers and baby panda, oh my! The baby panda was born Saturday night at 10pm so as you can probably imagine the zoo was a mess with reporters. You couldn't stay and look at the pandas too long since there were so many people. I kept thinking if all the news crews are here at the zoo, who is possibly covering all the crime and corruption that is taking place in the other parts of the city. ;)
Anyway, Drew loved the train which I'm sure doesn't surprise any of you and Jack enjoyed the climbing wall. Do you sense a pattern? They seem to like all the things without the live animals best. We had a really great time and Jack told me it was the best day of his life, so score one for Mommy. That might also be because at the end of the day I took them to see Neil at work (his precinct is right next to the zoo). The boys were so excited to see "Daddys work" and he was very happy to see them too. So, what to do today? We'll see...Happy Labor Day weekend to all of you!