Monday, September 8, 2008

Boys Weekend!

I went away for the weekend, but from what I have been told the boys had a great time with Neil and Bumpa (my Dad). Neil picked them up from school on Friday and took them to buy a fishtank. It is now sitting on my kitchen counter, no fish (I guess Neil told them he would take them on Tuesday after school). They are very excited about picking out their own fish, so that should be fun for them. Saturday they went fishing at the lake and then to Jack's first soccer game. Neil then took them to my Dads for their first sleepover together. Dad and Christy have never had both of them overnight at the same time and from what I could tell when I picked them up at 10:30pm last night, they may not take them again for a while...they looked exhausted! I had a great time in Connecticut and I appreciate the help while I was gone. I'll post some pictures when the boys get their fish! Have a great Monday!

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