Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jack's First 5K

I think we may have a runner on our hands! Jack has been asking to run a road race for a long time, I finally decided to let him do one. So, we ran in the Newnan YMCA 5K and he did Great!!! His legs were quite sore for the next few days, but he loved it. He ran with his best friend Payton and she did great too! I am very proud of him! Yay Jack! :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hats and Haircuts

Look at this little cute! He got his haircut and said he was, "WICKED HANDSOME" in a very loud scream! Cute, cute, cute...
Before you ask, let me explain...Jack and Drew are very impressed with what their Father does for a living. He has the "Coolest job ever!" and Mommy, well, "she sits at a desk, but we still need to be proud of her too." Don't get me wrong, Mommy does have a pretty cool job (most days) and I try to talk to them about it when they ask, but they don't really get it. I even brought them home disease trading cards one time thinking they might like them, but that took a turn for the worst when the Anthrax card had a dead zebra on the front. Oops. Anyway, I brought this hat home and Jack LOVED it, he wore it out to get pizza (slightly embarrassing) and a man asked him if he worked at CDC and he said, "No, but my Mommy does and she fixes emergencies." He smiled at me and I smiled at him...Mommy has a cool job. :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Drew Fish

You guessed it...we spent the weekend at the pool and had a great time. We went with the Handley's on Saturday and were probably there for about 5 hours. Let's put it this way, the boys went to bed (me too) at 9pm and didn't wake up until 10:30am Sunday morning! I would say they were tired.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Fruit Salad Salsa

The boys spent Saturday and Saturday night with their Dad, so I didn't really have anything to post. I sat at the pool all day on Saturday and got a pretty good burn in the process. I picked up the boys Sunday afternoon. They told me they wanted to make a fruit salad when we got home so that is exactly what we did. I was in charge of cutting up the cantelope and watermelon, Jack was in charge of pulling the grapes off and washing them and Drew picked out the smooshed blueberries. We all know that meant he ate them too. :) They both took turns jumping around the kitchen with the lid on the bowl yealling, "Shake, shake, shake". It was really cute. Then it was off to the Handley's because Payton and Taylor "JUST HAD TO HAVE SOME" and they did. I love that the simple things make them smile...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Kindergarten Program

As I mentioned earlier, Jack finished Kindergarten on Friday. He had his awards program and I was able to get this picture of the boys. Drew thought Jack's "graduation doll" was awesome, which I think makes this picture even better!

Braves Night Out

Andrew's T-Ball team got to walk out on the field before an Atlanta Braves baseball game last night. He was excited about getting out there, but I'm sure as you can imagine was cranky and "Sooooo hungry" when he got back. The terribly sad Drew picture is when he got off the field just prior to whining. haha. The other pictures are of him and his best bud Nicklaus, Jack after he caught a ball during batting practice, and Jack with Homer. Homer was NOT PLEASED about the Sox hat, so he took it off and made Jack wear his hat. It was really cute. The boys had a good time, even with the rain delay. Go Braves!!