Friday, August 27, 2010

Drew's 1st Fieldrip to Publix

A little favoritism from the Bakery Manager, perhaps? ;)

Andrew's Pre-K class went on their first fieldtrip today to Publix and guess who they got to see...BUMPA!! Yup, he fed them frosting and gave them cookies. The teachers were super excited about that, I'm sure. :) I was excited that I got to chaperone today. I didn't get to go on any of jack's fieldtrips because my job at the time was not very "family friendly".

A future High School job?

What is it whith that face?

Mommy and Drew at Publix

Monday, August 16, 2010

Drew to Blue and only 2!

(This is the result of bending over to pick-up something and running your head down the wall in the funny!)
(He really did try his best and was excited at first...)
Yup, you guessed paint and only on 2 walls! Some of you may know that Jack and Drew currently share a room. This had been working out really great, but now they are starting to keep each other up at night so I decided to give Drew his own room (Jack wanted to keep his Red Sox room, and Drew wanted a Star Wars room). Saturday, Drew and I started painting his room. What a complete and utter disaster that was. I mean to the point where there are only 2 walls painted and to say they are painted well would be a complete lie. Note to self...dark colors...hard to paint...requires multiple coats...UGH!!!
So...the painter is coming. I'm such a girl, when in doubt, hire! I will post the finish product soon.

Lunch with Jack

One week of school down and Jack did very well. I went to have lunch with him on Friday and he seemed really excited to see me (which always feels good). I met his friend Regan. They were in the same kindergarten class and were really excited when they found out they were in the same 1st grade class. Apparently they are a little too chatty, but are working on it. :) Thanks for sharing your lunch break with me Jack! xoxo
Jack & Regan

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thanks, Mr Dave!!

Jack and Andrew LOVE watermelon. I had been telling them that my co-worker Dave had a farm and that he had been promising a watermelon for me to bring home so as you can imagine, they were SUPER excited when I came home yesterday with the watermelon. It was in the front seat of the car when I got them from afterschool and Jack screamed, "Drew it's here!" when he got in the car. It was funny! We are looking forward to cutting it open this weekend and sharing it with all our friends on the street.

This is Dave...Thank you, Mr. Dave!

Dave grows all kinds of vegetable and brings them in to the office so we can take them home. Who needs the Farmers Market? We have Dave! :)
Dave was featured yesterday in a story in the Atlanta Journal Constitution (AJC) about farming. Take a look...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Pre-K and 1st Grade already? Yikes!!

Jack Walker Welch

Andrew Joseph Welch

Go ahead, make fun of the'll all think it's cute years down the road. I get made fun of every year, but I like it! Anyway, off to school for my big boys! Pre-K and 1st grade...yikes! As usual, Jack was super excited and was out of bed and in the shower within minutes. Drew, on the other hand, totally different story. I know they are suppose to be different, they are different kids but they are SO different. I asked Jack what he was excited about and he said seeing his friends and being back at school. I asked Drew and he said he was excited about being in aftercare with Jack. SO sweet. Here are a few pictures of the morning...Enjoy!
Jack heading into Welch Elementary School

Jack at his desk in Ms Summer's 1st grade class

Drew walking into Pre-K at Discovery Point

Drew sitting at his desk.
Good luck Boys! Hope you have a great day! xoxo

Friday, August 6, 2010

Thank you Taylor!

As some of you may know, Jack and Andrew had a babysitter this summer instead of camp or daycare. It worked out really well for all of us. I didn't have to wake them up early and they got to stay home and play with their friends. Taylor is 16 and is going into her junior year at EC. She lives across the street and they have known her their whole life. They absolutely adore her, so much that when we were on vacation in Maine Drew said, "I just really miss Taylor>" It was super cute. So, thank you Taylor for taking such good care of my boys and for being such a great person! We love you! :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's Coming to the End...

(Andrew, Jack & Payton)

Well summer vacation is almost over. They only have one day left and it's off to school on Monday! We had a great summer with Family and Friends and spent a good amount of time at the pool. Here is one of my favorite pictures from the summer. Hope you all had a great summer vacation!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

American Idol Live - Atlanta 2010

Sunday night was Jack & Mommy night and I surprised him with The American Idol Live Concert as his end of the summer adventure. For those of you that don't know, Jack and I watched American Idol every Tuesday night in the spring (I had to DVR the results show that was on Wednesday nights because 9pm is too late for this 6 year old on a school night).
We all had our favorites...I loved Lee (who won, by the way), Jack loved Casey and Drew liked Big Mike, although he didn't get into the show as much as Jack did (Thank you to Angie for babysitting Drew). We had a GREAT time and we had GREAT seats. I found them on Craigslist last minute for half the price and would recommend looking there!
Jack and Mommy "Rocking Out" and acting crazy!

Jack watching the Top 10 during the last song!

The Top 10 Finalists...

Jack's very first concert t-shirt that cost Mommy a small fortune! lol

Jack with his favorite performer and top 3 finisher...Casey James!
Thanks for a wonderful summer and a great date night, Jack! Mommy thinks you're a pretty amazing kid!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mommy & Jack Date

So, I like to try to take the boys out for Mommy one on one time when I can and it is usually so much fun when we do. Tonight is a Mommy-Jack date and he is super excited! It is a secret, so you'll have to stay tuned...