Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Margarita!

I don't normally post birthday announcements on here but I thought I should mention this very special person. Special to me and special to the boys! The whole Naquin Family is very special to us. We spend a lot of time together and I was super excited to help Margarita celebrate her 40th Mardi Gras Style! Her birthday was last week but her party was this past Saturday and we all had a great time! It was for adults only but thats okay because the boys were with Neil anyway. There were beads and masks waiting for them when they got home and they seemed happy about that. Drew, Andres, Margarita, Kevin, Lucas & Jack

Margarita and I

The girls! :)

Love it!

Would you expect anything less?

Happy Birthday, Sweet Friend!! xoxo Love you.
Thank you for all that you do for me and my boys!

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