Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Verandah View Block Party!!!

I quite possibly live on the best street in the world! They are such wonderful people! It feels like everyday is a party because of the 20+ kids playing kickball in the street every night but this weekend we had our 2nd Annual Verandah View Block Party and it was a hit! The party started at 2pm with bouncy houses, tons of food and beverage, great music and ended, well...let's just say it was late! ;) Thank you for being such great neighbors and even better friends! You all make life for this single Mom so much easier and so much fun! Jack, Drew and I are fortunate to have all of you!! xoxo The Women of The View...

(we are missing a handful)

Nicklaus, Drew & Caleb
Who gave Jack the hose? Trouble!

Angie, April and I...is that Sangria? ;)

Skinny kid on the bouncy slide

Drew takes a turn...

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