Friday, August 29, 2008

HFMD Foils the Plans...

Well, as we get ready to head into a long weekend I am left with trying to figure out what we are going to do. Well, except for tonight. Friday night seems to be the one constant in our lives. Friday night is movie night. I pick the boys up, we head to Blockbuster where we all pick out our own movie (Jack normally picks Scooby Doo and after explaining to Drew that we don't need to rent Polar Express because we have it at home, Jack convinces him to also get a Scooby Doo movie...he's kind of a manipulator. haha) and then the boys pick what they want for dinner (usually Moe's...shocking! haha) and we head home. We watch one of the movies while eating our dinner picnic style on the living room floor and then we watch the other movie in Mommy's bed. Once they are asleep around 9pm (remember, its a weekend) Mommy gets to watch her movie. I watched Definitely, Maybe last week and I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it. So what are we going to do with the rest of the weekend? As some of you might know I was planning on taking the boys away for the long weekend, but Dr Roberts suggested we stay around town since Drew still might not be back to himself fully. So that means no trip to Nashville to see Thomas the Train or to Myrtle Beach to visit the cousins. So, what are we going to do? I promised Jack a fun weekend and as anyone that has or has had a 4, almost 5 year old knows, THEY REMEMBER EVERYTHING! Well, I have decided that tomorrow we will go to Taylor's soccer game at noon. For those who don't know, Taylor is our neighbor and Payton's older sister. Both the boys love soccer and the Handley family so it's a win-win for all. :) Sunday might be a day at the Zoo. Jack said he wanted to go to the Zoo a few weeks back, so that might be a nice surprise for them. Lets just hope the weather stays nice. So, that is the plan as of now. I will let you know what really happened as the weekend progresses.

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