Thursday, September 9, 2010

1st Grade Grandparents Lunch!

Sometime in the month of September is National Grandparents Day. I tend to forget it every year but that doesn't mean I forget about how great both sets of my parents are. They are truly luckly little boys to have people that love them so much. Well, Welch Elementary does a Grandparents Lunch every year and Dad and Christy always go. I didn't tell Jack about it, so he was excited to see them. He loves lunch visitors. :) Here are a few pictures my Dad sent me from his phone. Jack & Bumpa
Jack & Christy
Apparently everyone ate their lunches. No idea what Dad and Christy had, but Jack brings his lunch everyday so he enjoyed a ham sandwich, yogurt, bbq chips, mandarin oranges and a juice box. I wonder if I should've packed them a lunch too. :)

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