Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Christy!

September 25th is Christy's Birthday and so the boys wanted to go out and pick out something special for Christy all by themselves and they did just that. I must admit I have very thoughtful little boys. They like to buy presents and they like to buy "pretty" things. :) Friday night Dad and Christy came over for a birthday party because they both had to work on Saturday and because the boys are with their Dad this weekend so we did cake and ice cream on Friday night. Here are a few pictures of the party. Enjoy...
Jack with his fall scented candle since, "it is fall and all" :)
Drew with the glass slipper that Christy can put her "Bumpa Ring" in, which is her engagement ring, in case you were

Here are the cute. :)
Happy Birthday Christy! We love you!

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