Monday, November 29, 2010

The Fab Four X 2

The Fab Four refers to Denver, Jack, Matthew and Carson. They have been the best of friends for years and when they get together it is entertaining to watch. More than that though the friendships these boys have made have brought me 3 of my closest friends, their Moms. Whom have all helped me tremendously over the last few years, especially this last year. They are amazing woman and I am lucky to know them. They have been a shoulder, they have been an ear but they have also given it to me hard and straight when sometimes I didn't want to or think I could hear it. They are no nonsense woman whom I admire and love very much! Kristin, Lisa and Tammy...Thank you for everything! xoxo
The Boys in Pre-K
December 2008

The Boys
Novemer 2010

Kristin, Me, Lisa & Tammy
"Terapia" ;)

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