Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Jack lost his first tooth...YAY!

Jack has been waiting a long time for this day!! His friends all have mouths full of missing teeth and he really wanted to lose it before he turned 7 but today was the day! We all made guesses when he would lose it (Me, Jack, Drew, Bumpa & Christy) and Christy actually got it right! How crazy is that? Here are a few pictures... It's really hard to see the hole because his other tooth was already growing in behind it...look closely...

Drew, Mommy & Jack all super excited about his tooth and getting ready to put his tooth under his pillow

Jack wrote the tooth fairy a letter and we decided the best place to put it was on his bed. I know you can't see what it says so here it is..."Dear Tooth Fairy I lost my first tooth. I was very excited check under my pillow it will be their. Hope you like my first tooth!! From Jack" I thought that was so cute but I was more impressed that he wrote that all on his own!
My baby is growing up!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh ADORABLE!! He was so concerned that she wouldn't find the tooth under his pillow!