Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thank goodness for Grandparents!!

Jack was awarded the Welch All Star award for 1st grade. I'll put a little information about what that means below but to say I am proud of him would be a huge understatement. The thing is, I wasn't able to go to his awards program. I didn't find out about it until the night before and I had meeting I couldn't move. It was one of those days when you just can't seem to do it all. Anyway, thank goodness for Grandparents!! My Dad and Christy went and Jack was so happy to see them! Thank you, Bumpa and Christy! Once again, you saved me! xoxo

Jack getting his award

Christy, Jack & Bumpa

Payton & Jack
Payton won the award for 4th grade! :) How great is that?!?!
Here is a little about the All Star program...

Welch All Star Character Program
This year we have piloted our first ever character program where 2 children are
chosen from each class each month based on their outstanding character and leadership
abilities. There are 6 criteria that each child must meet in order to be nominated
by their teacher.
1. Exhibiting the Welch Standards that are set
2. Seeking out opportunities to help others in class
3. Being a leader among other students
4. Working hard and doing his/her best.
5. Having a positive attitude
6. Having school spirit
Once a child is chosen, they are invited to an assembly to hear a speaker who
encourages them to be a leader in their home, community and school.
They are given a certificate and a Welch All Star Character t-shirt. Also,
their picture is taken, which is printed in the Newnan Times Herald. After
this, they get to enjoy popcorn and lemonade. This is all to say thank you
for being a role model to the other kids in the school and hopefully to encourage
others to want to be more like them.

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