Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Drew fought the car...

And the car DIDN'T win...

"How long I gotta keep my hand up here?"

The boys and I stopped by The Redmon's House after soccer practice to drop off Matthew's soccer camp registration stuff. Not the best idea. I said I was just going to run in and give it to Lisa but of course, I got to talking and the boys got out of the car and when they got back in Jack closed Drew's hand in the door by accident. It was awful. It was completely shut in there. I had to run and open it. Drew was screaming. Jack felt awful and was crying. I wanted to vomit. Dawson and Lisa are the only ones that had any sense about themselves (thank you for that). We all thought his fingers were broken. Off to Urgent Care we went. I think they should give us one of those punch cards. You know 10 visits, 1 free. :) Anyway, no break but the cut was deep enough to need a stitch or two but the Dr said it would heal on its own without it but it may scar and since Drew was still screaming in pain, a needle probably wasn't going to be the best idea so a scar it is! Chicks dig scars anyway!

Good night my little monkey...feel better! xoxo

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