Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"I peed in my covey." -A.Welch

This can not go without a blog entry about it...So, for those of you that know Jack & Drew well, you know I have AMAZING sleepers. They sleep late on the weekends, but are bears to get up during the week. I have had issues of Jack sleep walking in the middle of the night as well as conversations with Drew while he was sleeping. To say they sleep hard would be putting it mildly. Anyway, yesterday apparently Drew got up during nap time while he was still sleeping. He walked over to his cubbie (or covey as he calls it) and peed in it thinking it was the bathroom. Poor Ms Monica had to clean up that mess. Sorry, Ms Monica. I had to wash his backpack last night and when we talked about it he said, "I peed in my covey...I was sleeping." Ahhhh Drew...never a dull moment. :)

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