Thursday, December 11, 2008

"The Best Star EVER!!!"

We finally finished decorating our Christmas tree today. It took a while because Jack has been having a hard time behaving in school so each day he got a "yellow check" we had to push off decorating. I'll be honest I was getting kind of tired of a plain tree. Jack and Drew made the VERY LARGE star on the top out of a pizza box and tin foil. They love it! Every year I let them decide on a tree topper and apparently this year the Red Sox hat was not a good idea. ;) They each picked out their ornament of the year and Jack picked a Star Wars one and Drew picked Polar Express (I know, shocking. lol) So anyway, here is the finished product...they are very proud!
Jack wearing his hockey pj's made by Grammie cute!
Drew was having a hard time understanding why some of the ornaments wouldn't stay on the branches. We finally figured it out..."Too heavy, Momma"
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