Friday, December 19, 2008

Jack's Christmas Wish...

Jack's Christmas vacation started today and I asked him last week if he wanted to do something special today with Mommy. I told him I would bring Drew to school and it would be a Jack & Mommy day. We could do whatever he wanted. He chose his friends. Which was so cute. He told me he wanted to do something fun with his best friends. So that's what we did. Denver, Matthew and Carson came over and we made gingerbread houses, played tag, ate chicken nuggets and french fries (fruit too) played kickball with some other friends in the neighborhood and then we all headed to see Bolt in 3-D. I think they all had a great time and they were all really good. I, however am exhausted! I love that they're all in school together and I love that we all live in the same part of SummerGrove so they will change schools together. Merry Christmas Jack, Denver, Matthew & Carson, I hope you had as much fun as I did. ;)
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