Monday, December 22, 2008

Festival of Lights

Dad & Christy came over today and brought the boys and I to the Festival of Lights at Callaway Gardens. For those of you that don't live down here, the festival of lights is a Christmas light show of over 8 million lights. We had something like it at Springfield and I think I have to say that Springfield was better. You can drive your cars through or ride the trolley. We chose the trolley and OH MY GOD was it cold! Note to self, maybe if the temp is in the 30's an open trolley isn't the best choice for an hour ride. ;) The boys seemed to really enjot it until about 10 minutes from the end, like I said it was really cold but they were troopers. Jack however looked up at me with the saddest face and said, "Momma, my feet are frozen. I'm so cold. Maybe going to Maine isn't such a good idea." I told him a visit to Maine in the winter requires boots and so he should be okay!

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