Monday, December 15, 2008

Parent/Teacher Conference

Well, today was the day that I had been stressed about for a few weeks now. Jack's Parent/Teacher conference. Why was I stressed? Well, he's been getting "yellow checks" a lot lately for talking and disrupting class so I was a little nervous about what his teacher was going to say.
Turns out he's brilliant! No, but seriously he's doing really well academically he just tends to be a performer/talker....hmmmm...wonder where he gets it. I was also told that he like to be the leader of the class. Although being a "leader" isn't always good when it means he "leads" the other kids into acting up too. That seems to be the main concern. When he's behaving they love that the other kids follow, but when he acts up it s a nightmare.
I guess I left the meeting thinking that if that is the only problem, life is pretty good.
Jack, you are a very smart little boy. The things you know at age 5 amaze me. I love you. xoxo
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