Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thank you, Jack!!

As some of you may know I started a new position on Monday. I changed Divisions at CDC and took a position as a Public Health Analyst at the Community Guide. ( Take a look if you'd like. :)
Anyway, Jack asked me how my new desk was and I told him I hadn't had time to unpack anything from my old desk yet because I had been doing a lot of reading so my area was really kinda boring. When I picked him up yesterday from school he gave me this picture and he told he this picture was for for me to put up at my new office since it was Fall and I love Fall the most. "I even made you pumpkins, Momma!"
He was right. Fall is my favorite and that sweet boy made my space even better!

A close-up of his masterpiece

1 comment:

Julie said...

ahhh so sweet and a good drawing!