Tuesday, May 31, 2011

All American 5K - Go Jack!!!

Jack loves to run races and I LOVE that he loves it. He ran his first race last June with me (Payton ran with us too) and did great! He finished it in 38:39. He did his second race with his Dad last summer sometime and did it in around 35:00, I'm not exactly positive of his time. The reason that I am telling you this is because we expected to see them cross the line around 34-35:00 minutes so you know I was screaming and jumping up and down when I saw him and the clock read 29:33. He came sprinting by and turned and smiled a big smile and waved! His official time was 30:55! He was so proud of himself! I was so proud of him! So before you ask why I didn't run this one with him, here is the story. Angie gave Jack a pair of sneakers and a race registration for Christmas so they could run a race together because she knows how much he loves it. I was going to join them until Jack informed me that it was "their race" so I made a sign and jumped up and down like a fool instead! Angie and I are doing the Muddy Buddy in 2 weeks and Jack and a few of his friends are doing the Mini Muddy Buddy...So, watch for it! :) Jack racing to the finish line...his time was 30:55...Way to go, Jack!!

Jack and Payton...3rd place finishes for both!!

Jack, Angie & Payton

Jack & Payton

Mommy & her fantastic runner

Now those are some cool parents!!! ;)

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